Sfoglia documenti (205 in totale)
Human rights violations across international borders: life stories of Central American women on the move
Il corpo nello spazio urbano e domestico: lettura transfemminista queer delle pratiche di Eileen Gray, Zaha Hadid e Avril Corroon
Le regole dei mercanti Introduzione al diritto commerciale
«Migliorare la patria legislazione in una delle più essenziali sue parti»Il diritto penale sabaudo dalle Regie Costituzioni al codice penale albertino
Bianca Guidetti Serra e l’avvocatura militante Tra fonti e storiografia
Dieci anni di REMS Un’analisi interdisciplinare
Lo spirito del diritto ecclesiale. Scritti scelti di Rinaldo Bertolino
La riforma degli artt. 9 e 41 della Costituzione e le sue implicazioni: un primo confronto Atti del seminario svoltosi a Cuneo il 29 aprile 2022
QUALI-DAD: A qualitative study of Italian academics’ distance teaching practices during the Covid-19 emergency and the meanings assigned to them
This report illustrates the findings of a qualitative study that explored Italian academics’ relationship with distance teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic emergency. Specifically, 18 focus groups with 4 to 8 participants each were held at several universities throughout the country, for a total of 98 participants. Two focus groups were held at each university, one with faculty members in the humanities, and one with faculty members in scientific disciplines. Participants were heterogeneous in terms of gender and career stage, and were selected at random from the CINECA lists. The focus groups took place online, and were video/audio recorded. The material thus collected was analyzed via a grounded and iterative coding process involving repeated rounds of data analysis and discussion among the researchers.
The analysis led to a number of interesting insights, which have been grouped under four main headings.
- A controversial question;
- Teaching in crisis;
- The rediscovery of teaching;
- Hopes and fears for the future.